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Progesterone cream can Help Wtih PMS And Menopause ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 13, 2014 04:35 PM
PMS on women Imbalance of hormone is one of the most common problems among many women. These problems can include, increasing of weight, headache, sickness, emotional imbalance and so many other health issues. Because of this hormonal imbalance many of these women go to various health centers for this. However, if they have the problems of menopause or PMS issue due to hormonal imbalance, then Progesterone Cream can also help women’s greatly in these kind of situations. Since, progesterone hormone is also known as the regulator of all the hormones, so Progesterone Cream can help in regulation of all hormones in body. This hormone not only balances the estrogen in a woman’s body, but it also regulates other hormones as well that are essential for proper functioning of the body. These addition hormones include thyroid and estrogen that help you regulate various function of your body along with your mood swing, headache, breast soreness, water retention, weight gain and much more.
( What Are The Health Benefits Of Progesterone Cream To Women? ![]() ![]() ![]()
March 11, 2012 10:24 PM
Progesterone Cream and its Benefits to Women Progesterone is a hormone produced by male and female bodies as well, although in females it is much more present as it helps to regulate the reproduction cycle. It mainly helps to balance the levels of estrogen within the body and the absence of enough progesterone has been linked to an increased chance of having breast cancer as well as osteoporosis. Unfortunately, after the menopause the production of progesterone is basically stopped in females, which as you can imagine can eventually lead to various health problems, including the ones mentioned above. Fortunately though, you can do more than simply sit there and endure it as there is a natural and painless remedy to the situation: Progesterone Cream. What Is It? Progesterone Cream is basically what it sounds like, being a cream which contains concentrated amounts of progesterone that have been integrated into a solution which your skin can absorb. As far as intake methods go, this is by far the most painless one as all you need to do is simply rub some cream on various parts of your skin. In most cases, the Progesterone Cream you will be using is going to be an extremely soluble fat, meaning it will be absorbed by parts of your body such as the cheeks, the neck, the buttocks and the breasts. Hormone Balance and Progesterone As mentioned before, progesterone helps to manage estrogen levels in the system which plays a critical role in keeping people healthy, especially when it comes to women. Using a Progesterone Cream will improve your life in many ways, with the most obvious one being your libido. While most of you may already know this, the key to having the best possible libido is to have your hormones in perfect health and balance, which is precisely what progesterone does. Apart from that, an increased intake of progesterone in your body will also help your immune system and shield you from various heart and bone-related illnesses. While it is a cream you must take care to only use it within your prescribed dosage seeing as how having too much progesterone in your system will also prove to be detrimental for your health. And by detrimental I mean it will cause a hormonal imbalance which is definitely not what you are looking to do as that generally results in the weakening of your system, allowing illnesses to set in. More precisely scientists have actually demonstrated that have an excess of progesterone in your body is extremely nefarious for your heart. However, when used to properly balance estrogen levels, a Progesterone Cream has various health-related benefits, most of which have already been mentioned above. All in all, if you are expecting to or have recently hit your menopause then it is highly recommended that you take progesterone daily.
( How Do I Use Phytoestrogen And Progesterone Creams For PMS? ![]() ![]() ![]()
September 22, 2011 11:04 AM
Overview If you are a guy who had encountered women you probably would have heard about PMS. It is something that we as men are familiar with because often times, about once a month our female acquaintances would let us know that they should be allowed to act silly and have their way for the next few days all because they are experiencing PMS but is there truth to it? Let’s try to take a more scientific approach because my guess is, it is more serious than we know. PMS Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is defined by strong and consistent mood swings, tender breasts, fatigue, depressions, food cravings and irritability just to name some of the more common symptoms. Commonly this peaks around the late 20’s and early 30’s for females and it is a serious issue. It is not the kind of juvenile reason for tantrums that young female kids might lightly throw around. These symptoms can cause serious discomfort and many changes in the sufferer’s lives and at times in certain months it will be pretty intense and unnoticeable in some. It also happens in a predictable pattern which is one upside to allow the patient to prepare for it and can figure out certain ways to counter the effects so as to not allow PMS to take control of your life. Phytoestrogen And Progesterone Creams First off let look at some details about these substances. Phytoestrogen are chemicals that are derived from plants and have the primary property of having the ability to mimic estrogen in the human body which is the primary sex hormone in women. Estrogen on the other hand is the real thing and is a hormone manufactured primarily in the ovaries with an essential responsibility of initiating and maintaining proper menstrual cycles in women. Although this hormone can also be found in the male’s body we produce it at a lesser degree. Studies have shown that estrogen is an important factor in women’s reproductive cycles unlike men which does not really have much use for it and aims to keep the levels of this hormone down as it may cause more feminine bodily changes in men. With women however, supplementation with estrogen has been used to treat reproductive cycle issues so it is no surprise that these hormones are being incorporated into cream products to aid in PMS relief and how you use it depends on your specific cycle. Some common guidelines is to use of about 100 to 200mg a day and it terms of when, it shall depend on the length of a female’s cycle. As a general rule though it should be taken 14 days prior to ovulation if the specific ovulation date is not known as ovulation starts fourteen days before bleeding starts. If no ovulation happens or you don’t have a period, use a 28 day cycle as a guide and choose any day to start. It is important that this is done before ovulation so it does not interrupt the body’s natural process of ovulation and hormone production.
( How Does Progesterone Cream Help Ease Hot Flash Symptoms? ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 21, 2011 11:01 AM
Progesterone And Hot FlashesProgesterone Cream is an all natural remedy for hormonal imbalances in the female body. It has grown in popularity in the past few years largely owing to very strong anecdotal evidence. Its use in the management of hot flashes has produced very encouraging results, and thus has become a mainstay of alternative treatment for vasomotor symptoms of menopause and premenstrual syndrome. Plants contain fats and oils that can be modified in the laboratory to partially synthesize progesterone. The active ingredient of most Progesterone Creams in the market is diosgenin, which is a plant sapogenin that occurs naturally in wild yams. Diosgenin has long been noted for its steroidal activity inside the human body, but it has been successfully converted to progesterone only recently. Reverses Estrogen Dominance The concept of estrogen dominance is central to the appearance of hot flashes. A group of medical professionals believe that vasomotor symptoms are brought on by fluctuations in hormonal levels, among other factors. While both groups of female sex hormones experience changes, progesterone is thought to approach near depletion in comparison with estrogen. Hence, the latter dominates. Progesterone Creams work on the principle of reversing estrogen dominance. They are formulated to facilitate optimum absorption into the body. While their active ingredients, such as diosgenin, have been noted to produce estrogen-like activities when unmodified, Progesterone Creams function exactly in the same manner as endogenous secretions of progesterone. Increases Progesterone Levels Hot flashes are often linked to changes in body temperature. It has long been postulated that hormonal imbalances have an effect on the hypothalamus, which regulates body temperature. It is believed that depleting levels of progesterone lead to a series of chemical reactions that confuse the biological thermostat, resulting in vasodilation of blood vessels close to body surfaces. Progesterone Creams effectively relieve hot flashes because the active ingredients are capable of penetrating the part of the skin that leads to the blood vessels. There is very good evidence that topical applications of progesterone are readily absorbed. Since fats and oils from plants have high absorption rates, Progesterone Creams are certain to increase progesterone levels in no time. Normalizes Hormonal Changes There has not been any contraindication associated with the regular use of Progesterone Creams as most of them are formulated in concentrations suitable for use at any time of the day. In fact, it can be applied to the skin even in the absence of hot flashes to prevent any vasomotor symptoms. A growing of body of literature has noted its efficacy in managing hormone-related imbalances. More importantly, Progesterone Creams have shown great promise in stabilizing hormone levels in the long run, making it an ideal remedy for women suffering from premenstrual syndrome. Also, it is very likely to help women who are surgically menopausal as they experience very intense episodes of hot flashes that last until the natural age of menopause. Grab some progesterone today and feel the relief it can bring!
( Does Progesterone Cream Really Help with Hot Flashes? ![]() ![]() ![]()
April 19, 2011 02:53 PM
Progesterone Cream is a derivative of steroids that occur naturally in plants. It is commercially touted to help a variety of vasomotor symptoms related to menopause, including hot flashes. Proponents of progesterone believe that the undesirable effects of menopause on the female body are triggered by an imbalance of female steroid hormones, with a noticeable dominance of estrogen. Women experience the transitory years of menopause with symptoms that are largely variable. That being said, hot flashes are one of these symptoms that all menopausal women are likely to experience at least once. It is less prevalent in some, but a significant fraction complains about a varying degree of sensation of heat often accompanied by rapid heartbeat. Hot flashes afflict women of all ages. It is not unheard of to have women in their 20’s complain about night sweats and related symptoms of changes in hormones. Sex hormones of the female body are lowest at night, the reason why a lot of younger women experience episodic flashes at night, but not during daytime. However, outbreaks of hot flashes may happen at the most random times, and to this day the causes are not well understood. Progesterone may be best known for its biological roles during pregnancy as it is important to the development of the fetus. It belongs to a class of steroid hormones called progestogens, which are in fact biological precursors of other sex hormones, such as androgens and estrogens. In addition, it plays a central role in thermogenic function during ovulation and even found in mucus membranes within subcutaneous regions. Dilation of Blood Vessels Sex hormones of the female body, especially progestogens and estrogens, undergo a steep decline after the age of 40 especially in women into their menopausal years. Hot flashes in general are considered vasomotor symptoms in that they are visible effects of the sudden opening of blood vessels close to the skin. Sometimes, the same dilation of the blood vessels produce noticeable changes in heartbeat most women refer to as palpitations. Effects of Progesterone Cream There are drugs that cross the layers of the human skin and permeate the microcirculation of the dermis, reaching systemic distribution in the process. Progesterone Cream is believed to work on the same principle. It is lipid-soluble, and as such capable of interacting with subcutaneous tissues that largely comprise lipids. Blood vessels in regions where hot flashes occur are believed to have dilated, making it ideal for topical applications to work. All-natural Plant-based Steroids Progesterone Cream is obtained from fats and oils of plants. Most products derive it from a specific species of wild yam while others utilize soybeans. Noted for their estrogenic activities, these plant steroids are converted into progesterone in the laboratory. The product is thought to act exactly like the hormone produced and released by the human body. Anecdotal evidence is positive that Progesterone Cream normalizes progesterone levels in the skin, putting an end to hot flashes. For those who suffer from hot flashes Progesterone Cream could be the answer.
( California Proposition 65 (Prop 65) and Progesterone Cream Warnings ![]() ![]() ![]()
February 17, 2006 06:29 PM
Scientific Safety Information on Progesterone California Proposition 65 (Prop 65) and Progesterone Cream Warnings Amy Kosowski, M.S., LDN Prop 65: What is it? Proposition 65, the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 , was enacted as a ballot initiative in the state of California in November of 1986. The Proposition was intended by its authors to protect California citizens and the State's drinking water sources from chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, and to inform citizens about exposures to such chemicals 1. Proposition 65 requires the Governor to publish, at least annually, a list of chemicals “known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity .” Progesterone, as well as other human hormones, appear on this list 1. Set forth below is the information that formed the bases for the addition of progesterone to the Prop 65 list by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (“OEHHA”). Prop 65 and Progesterone - Perspective
In August of 2004, OEHHA published a document stating the rationale for the addition of Progesterone to the Prop 65 list 2. This document is a review of human, animal, and in vitro studies that used progesterone, synthetic progestins, and other progestagens (progesterone-like compounds). Experimental data from the use of all of these compounds were mixed together, along with data from studies using other steroid hormone derivatives (mainly synthetic estrogens) and many different methods of administration. Although this review covered the existing scientific literature on progesterone and its many derivative compounds, there are many problems with the type of data analysis that was employed. First, progesterone is endogenous to humans and necessary for bone and reproductive health while progestins and other synthetic progestagens are not. Progestins and progestagens are similar in molecular structure to progesterone, but when they bind to progesterone receptors, their effects are usually much stronger and more likely to cause abnormal physiologic responses 3, 4. Furthermore, the majority of the studies concerning the health effects of these progesterone derivatives involved combinations with synthetic estrogens 2-4. There were very few studies mentioned in the 2004 document that used exclusively bio-identical progesterone (the kind found normally produced by humans as well as that used in Progesterone Creams), and those studies that did were at supra-physiologic doses (very high). The doses of progesterone ranged from 10-1000 times the dose usually recommended by manufacturers of Progesterone Creams 2, although in a few cases, the doses were closer to the recommended dosages. The route of administration of progesterone is also at issue. All of the studies cited in the OEHHA document used either oral, injected, or suppository forms of hormones; none was conducted using transdermal creams. This is an important consideration because hormones absorbed through the skin are metabolized differently than hormones that are administered via other routes 5, 6. Putting it Together While the OEHHA Prop 65 reference document on progesterone 2 is a broad survey of the published scientific literature examining the potential effects of the pharmaceutical use of progesterone and its synthetic derivatives, it is not clear at all that these effects would be seen with the use of low-dose Progesterone Creams. The OEHHA Prop 65 progesterone document evaluates a broad range of information regarding progesterone and synthetic materials that are not natural progesterone. The conclusion reached was not challenged, and it is on that basis that Progesterone Creams now carry the Prop 65 warning.
1 California OEHHA Web Site: // . 2 Reproductive and Cancer Hazard Assessment Section, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California Environmental Protection Agency (2004) Evidence on the developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Progesterone. 3 Campagnoli C, Abba C, Ambroggio S, Peris C (2005) Pregnancy, progesterone and progestin in relation to breast cancer risk. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 97(5):441-450. 4 Campagnoli C , Clavel-Chapelon F , Kaaks R , Peris C , Berrino F (2005) Progestins and progesterone in hormone replacement therapy and the risk of breast cancer. Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2005 96(2):95-108. 5 de Lignieres B, Dennerstein L, Backstrom T (1995) Influence of route of administration on progesterone metabolism. Maturitas 21:251-257. 6 Gompel A, et al. (2000) Progestins were also proapoptotic in normal as well as in hormone-dependent breast cancer cells. Steroids 65(10-11):593-598. 7 Bu SZ ( 1997) Progesterone induces apoptosis and up-regulation of p53 expression in human ovarian carcinoma cell lines. Cancer 79(10):1944-50.
( Utah's Inland Sea Minerals – Topical Application ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 22, 2005 09:23 AM
Minerals provide a bounty of healing properties that have scientifically validated their use for topical applications. These applications have been shown to have powerful local and systemic effects. The health of ones skin and hair reflects inner health. Indeed, we judge the health of animals and humans alike by their outward appearance of fur or skin, respectively. The human skin is the largest organ of the body and is highly involved in the detoxification and maintenance processes of health. Skin not only excretes and eliminates toxins; it also has a tremendous capacity to absorb health supportive substances. The pharmaceutical industry frequently takes advantage of the skin’s absorptive capacity with drug therapies. Such therapies include the transdermal delivery of drugs like nicotine, hormone patches, Progesterone Creams and so forth. Thus, it is apparent that natural therapies can have pronounced and powerful health effects. Clinical researchers have continued to document the clinical findings that have been observed for decades when it comes to the healing properties of topical minerals. Many of the studies on therapeutic baths have used minerals from the Dead Sea, an ancient inland sea. However, a similar and impressive array of minerals occurs in the other inland sea, the Great Salt Lake. Indeed, the high presence of magnesium from both inland seas appears to be the foremost active mineral. A comparison chart below clearly reflects the mineral analysis and similarity (see chart below). The following survey of medical research reflects a few of the many therapeutic roles for mineral salt baths. Of particular interest are the powerful effects of magnesium salts that are prevalent to both Utah’s Inland Sea and the Dead Sea that exhibit favorable effects in inflammatory disease. Arthritis: 103 patients with arthritic symptoms were treated for 1-2 weeks. They received various bath treatments with the ionic trace minerals. The study showed that the higher concentration baths offered the most impressive results. Those with the greatest physical limitation had the most pronounced improvement. Over 80 percent of the patients reported having less pain, 70 percent reported improved mobility and 60 percent were able to decrease analgesic use (i). In a different double-blind study, the use of warm mineral baths with Dead Sea salt demonstrated a lasting effect for patients suffering from degenerative arthritis. (ii) Skin: In a clinical trial conducted by a leading research university in Germany, patients with atopic (eczema) skin disorders immersed their arms in a magnesium chloride rich bath. The participants immersed one arm in tap water the other in the therapeutic magnesium rich bath. The findings showed that skin hydration was improved and skin roughness and inflammation was reduced. The researchers stated “magnesium salts are known to bind water, influence epidermal proliferation and differentiation and enhance barrier repair.” (iii) Another study showed that magnesium salts when exposed to both psoriatic and healthy skin cells provided an important anti-proliferative effect (iv). Yet another study showed that the effects of mineral baths from the Dead Sea had lasting effects for upwards of a month after treatment. (v) Head to Head Comparison (vi) (vii)
Utah’s Inland Sea Composition Dead Sea Composition By: Dr. Chris Meletis N. D.
( How to Utilize Natural Progesterone ![]() ![]() ![]()
July 25, 2005 10:27 PM
How to Utilize Natural Progesterone Natural progesterone is available in oils, capsule or cream form. The best delivery system for natural progesterone appears to be through the skin; therefore, creams, oils or other formulations designed for skin absorption are recommended. The source of the natural progesterone should be wild yam extract and preparations using the whole wild yam are preferable. Monthly costs for natural progesterone can vary according to its source, but usually average between $20 and $50 a month. To obtain maximum absorption, natural Progesterone Creams should be applied to the softer areas of the skin such as the neck, face, arm pits, thighs, breasts, etc. The soles of the feet or palms of the hands are also excellent absorption sites and are recommended in individuals who are highly allergic to topical creams or oils. A thin application over a larger area is recommended. Some women use the cream directly on their abdomens if they are experiencing menstrual cramping. Natural Progesterone Creams that have been combined with herbs such as saw palmetto can also be used by men and applied directly on the testicles. Natural Progesterone Creams can be used every day, however, initial applications should be liberal (one half teaspoon) used both at morning and night. In time this quantity can be decreased. Using the cream everyday can lead to a decrease in sensitivity which may inhibit the action of the cream. For this reason, Dr. Lee has recommended that postmenopausal women use the cream for 2 to 3 week intervals with one week off. Women who are pre-menopausal or perimenopausal should use the progesterone from day 12 to day 26 of their menstrual cycle. Application sites should be rotated for maximum efficacy. Leaving 3 to 5 days of the month without using the natural progesterone is also recommended to prevent the development of a kind of “immunity” to the wild yam phytoestrogens. Each individual should determine whether the amount of cream used is effective and adjust accordingly. Most women need to use natural progesterone for an indefinite period of time.
July 25, 2005 10:26 PM
WHAT ABOUT PROGESTERONE AND MEN? When is comes to the role of progesterone in males, a significant inequity exists. In other words, medical science has literally ignored the role of progesterone in the male menopause. Male menopause is also called “andropause” and occurs when testosterone levels decrease. As a result of this drop, bone weakness and prostate disorders can occur. Testosterone acts very much like progesterone explaining why men can also develop brittle bones as testosterone levels decline. Men have progesterone levels much the same as women do after the age of 50, and like women, men are subject to varying degrees of osteoporosis, although male versions are much less severe. Men could very well benefit from using Progesterone Creams that have formulas designed to address testosterone imbalances which can lead to prostate disease. These formulas should contain the proper dosage of progesterone, which would be much less than the amount required for a woman. Dr. C. Norman Shealy M.D. writes, “Every male with DHEA levels below 600 ng/dl should use natural Progesterone Cream, except men with prostate cancer.”32 DHEA is the building block of the sex hormones and is currently the subject of intense study due to its effect on aging and degenerative disease.
July 25, 2005 10:26 PM
WHAT ABOUT PROGESTERONE AND MEN? When is comes to the role of progesterone in males, a significant inequity exists. In other words, medical science has literally ignored the role of progesterone in the male menopause. Male menopause is also called “andropause” and occurs when testosterone levels decrease. As a result of this drop, bone weakness and prostate disorders can occur. Testosterone acts very much like progesterone explaining why men can also develop brittle bones as testosterone levels decline. Men have progesterone levels much the same as women do after the age of 50, and like women, men are subject to varying degrees of osteoporosis, although male versions are much less severe. Men could very well benefit from using Progesterone Creams that have formulas designed to address testosterone imbalances which can lead to prostate disease. These formulas should contain the proper dosage of progesterone, which would be much less than the amount required for a woman. Dr. C. Norman Shealy M.D. writes, “Every male with DHEA levels below 600 ng/dl should use natural Progesterone Cream, except men with prostate cancer.”32 DHEA is the building block of the sex hormones and is currently the subject of intense study due to its effect on aging and degenerative disease.
July 25, 2005 10:18 PM
PROGESTERONE AND OSTEOPOROSIS At this writing, evidence points to the fact that natural progesterone may be even more effective in treating osteoporosis than estrogen replacement therapy. While this evidence is still in its initial stages, it is significant and must be considered. In 1981, Dr. John Lee conducted a landmark study evaluating the effectiveness of using natural progesterone for osteoporosis.20 His study indicated that it is the cessation of progesterone production in postmenopausal women which causes the development of osteoporosis. Contrary to current trends, progesterone replacement, not estrogen, in fact may be the answer to preventing and treating osteoporosis. Dr. Lee’s study has profound implications for all women. In his practice, Dr. Lee applied a natural Progesterone Cream on one hundred postmenopausal women and eliminated their usual dose of oral Provera (a synthetic progestin). The majority of these women were in varying stages of osteoporosis. Each participant used the natural progesterone cream for several consecutive days each month over a period of three years. The results were dramatic, to say the least. In addition to preventing further height loss and eliminating aches and pains, the bone mineral density of the spine was preserved in 63 of the women. In other words, these women not only stopped the bone loss associated with osteoporosis but actually experienced an increase in bone mass which, in many cases was more dramatic than had been seen with other therapies. In addition, the incidence of bone fractures actually dropped to zero. Dr Lee’s study found that estrogen was not the panacea for bone density previously assumed. He discovered that the women who took estrogen in combination with the progesterone were not better off than those who took progesterone alone. What was even more impressive was discovering that osteoporosis is a reversible condition with progesterone therapy. Concerning the use of progesterone for osteoporosis, Dr. Lee writes: . . . when my 40 year old housewives had become 60-year olds with osteoporosis and I learned of transdermal natural progesterone (being sold as a skin moisturizer), I started adding it to my therapeutic regimen for osteoporosis, at first only to those for whom estrogen was contraindicated. To my surprise, serial bone mineral density tests showed a significant rise without a hint of side effects. With this obvious success, my use of natural progesterone spread to osteoporosis patients who were not doing all that well on estrogen alone. Again, it proved successful.21 Apparently, women who had the lowest bone densities experienced the greatest increases, implying that age and the progression of the diseases does not affect the beneficial therapeutic action of natural progesterone. This study is profoundly significant in that it strongly suggests that women who take estrogen to prevent or treat osteoporosis may be better off using natural progesterone. As a result of Lee’s findings, several physicians began to use natural Progesterone Cream for their pre- and postmenopausal patients. The most striking implication of Dr. Lee’s work with natural progesterone is that contrary to current medical opinion, osteoporosis may be more a manifestation of a progesterone deficiency than a lack of estrogen. In addition, the disease may be initiated long before menopause when estrogen levels are still high.22 Moreover, continued estrogen therapy for women with osteoporosis often caps out whereas progesterone therapy continually promotes the production of new bone.23 Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D. states: I believe that natural Progesterone Cream derived from wild yam extract should be used by almost every mature adult . . . The most common cause of death in elderly women is from the complications of fracture of the hip from osteoporosis. Such fractures are also remarkably common in men. I believe that Progesterone Cream could do more to preserve health and well-being in elderly people than all the drugs in the world.24
July 25, 2005 10:00 PM
WHY TOPICAL APPLICATION OF NATURAL PROGESTERONE? Progesterone is a fat soluble compound which maintains its integrity much more readily when absorbed transdermally (through the skin) than when taken my mouth. When progesterone is ingested orally, it is subject to rapid breakdown (metabolism) in the liver, making it considerably less effective. Medical practitioners have used synthetic progesterone in a variety of forms ranging from capsules to injections to vaginal and rectal suppositories. Originally, orally administered progesterone or progestins were not efficiently absorbed through the intestinal wall and had to pass through liver tissue before entering the bloodstream. Consequently, much of the absorbed progestins were metabolized by the liver into inactive compounds. Up to 80 percent of the effectiveness of progesterone can be lost when taken orally.6 By contrast, progesterone is very nicely absorbed transdermally (through the skin) and much more of its biochemical activity is retained. I believe that natural Progesterone Cream derived from wild yam extract should be used by almost every mature adult . . . I believe that progesterone cream could do more to preserve health and well-being in elderly people than all the drugs in the world.7 Dr. Lee reiterates that “. . . natural progesterone is efficiently absorbed transdermally, a fact that enhances patient’s acceptance of its use and greatly reduces the cost of therapy.”8 Salivary hormonal lab tests are becoming more common and have further supported the effectiveness of natural progesterone absorption through the skin by monitoring levels.9 These tests have proven that progesterone levels rise when wild yam extracts are applied to the skin.
( Progesterone Cream - Supports Hormonal Balance ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 28, 2005 09:40 AM
Recent medical reports have profoundly shaken popular beliefs about the safety of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for women in menopause. You may be one of the six million women who are searching for alternatives. Source Naturals Progesterone Cream and PHYTO-ESTROGEN CREAM can help address normal menopausal discomforts, when used as part of a care for their own health needs. Source Naturals is committed to joining with your health food retailer to help insure that right. Menopause and Hormonal Balance Public confidence in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) suffered a major blow when the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health halted a large clinical trial out of concern for the safety of participants. Women are looking for natural alternatives to risky HRT. Source Naturals Progesterone CREAM and PHYTO-ESTROGEN CREAM address the hormonal fluctuations that bring on the first disturbing hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. Used together or separately, these creams address declining levels of progesterone and estrogen. Progesterone Cream from Woman-Friendly Soy Progesterone is a steroid hormone made by the corpus luteum of the ovary at ovulation, and in smaller amounts by the adrenal glands. It is a precursor to most other steroid hormones, including cortisol, androstenedione, estrogen and testosterone. Because it is the precursor to so many hormones, progesterone is crucial for overall hormone balance. Yet progesterone levels can drop to near zero during menopause. Source Naturals Progesterone Cream supplies natural progesterone from soy. Unlike creams which don’t divulge their progesterone content, Source Naturals Progesterone Cream is guaranteed to contain 500 mg of progesterone per ounce! This pure white cream softens and smoothes skin. Along with natural progesterone, it contains aloe vera, wild yam extract, natural vitamin E, lecithin phospholipid, jojoba oil, and extracts of ginseng root and grapefruit seed. Natural rosemary oil is added as a fragrance. Available in both tubes and jars for your convenience. Phyto-Estrogen Cream: Plant Compounds Renowned for Menopause Estrogen levels drop 40-60% at menopause. Phytoestrogens—estrogens from plants—have been shown to bind to the same receptor sites as estrogen, helping maintain normal menstrual cycles and menopausal transitions. When there is too little estrogen (the situation during menopause), phytoestrogens substitute for the lack of human estrogen. Conversely, when estrogen levels are high (as in some women who experience PMS), phytoestrogens compete with human estrogen for binding to receptors and decrease overall estrogenic activity. Source Naturals PHYTO-ESTROGEN CREAM is an almond-colored cream that can be massaged into smooth skin areas to add oil-rich, moisture-binding protection. PHYTO-ESTROGEN CREAM offers some of the finest phytoestrogens in the botanical world, including 60 mg of soy isoflavones per ounce. PHYTO-ESTROGEN CREAM also contains pomegranate seed juice (a natural source of estrone), red clover tops extract, black cohosh root extract, and dong quai root extract, along with aloe vera gel, natural vitamin E, cocoa butter, grapefruit seed extract, rosemary oil, and natural cherry almond fragrance. Warning: Phyto-Estrogen Cream is not for use by women of childbearing age. DO NOT USE if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you may become pregnant. Liposome Delivery Source Naturals offers you the first progesterone and phytoestrogen creams to utilize unique liposomal delivery of key ingredients. Liposomes are micro-penetrating lipid spheres made from lecithin, which pass through skin layers more easily than non-liposomal creams—for highest possible penetration of skin cells. Both creams are available in 2 and 4 oz jars. Progesterone Cream is also available in 2 and 4 oz tubes. Lifestyle Tips for Menopause: A Strategy for Wellness Eat Well: In certain cultures, hot flashes are practically unknown. It is generally true that women in these cultures eat foods rich in phytoestrogens. For example, in Southeast Asia, where soy proteins comprise 20% to 60% of daily protein intake, epidemiological studies suggest an association between a positive, trouble-free menopause and soy consumption. Lignans—phytoestrogens found in flaxseed oil and unprocessed olive oil—may also have a protective effect. You should eat fresh, organic vegetables, fruits, cereals, beans, whole grains and small portions of fish or hormone-free chicken. Increase fluids and eat low-fat dairy foods. Avoid fatty meats, sugar, processed foods, fried foods, and chemicals. Adequate calcium intake— 1,500 mg per day—is crucial. Use Supplements: Source Naturals HOT FLASH is an excellent complement to PROGESTERONE and PHYTO-ESTROGEN CREAMS. A recent comprehensive scientific review of natural menopause products (Annals of Internal Medicine 11/19/02) singled out soy isoflavones and black cohosh for their benefits in addressing hot flashes. Unlike most products, HOT FLASH contains clinical potencies of both soy isoflavones and standardized black cohosh extract. In addition, HOT FLASH contains additional herbs, renowned for use in menopause: vitex, licorice root and dong quai. To be sure you are covering all your nutritional bases, take a good daily multiple like MENOPAUSE MULTIPLE, especially designed for women 40+ years old. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Women who are overweight have an increased risk of heart disease, while those who are thin or underweight are more susceptible to osteoporosis and hot flashes. Rest and Relax: It is important to get adequate sleep, take naps if you feel tired, and avoid stress. Meditation and yoga can be helpful in reaching a state of calm. Take Care of Your Skin: A 1997 study of 3,875 postmenopausal women documented the relationship between low estrogen levels and skin dryness and loss of elasticity. Research has associated wrinkling with consumption of full-fat dairy products, butter, margarine, fatty meats and sugar. Drink lots of water—at least 1.5 liters daily. Water flushes out wastes, and acts as an internal moisturizer, keeping skin hydrated and supple. Spring water is beneficial since it contains trace minerals vital to healthy skin. For radiant skin, you should also try the Source Naturals SKIN ETERNAL™ family of creams and serums. This advanced cosmetic system recharges and revitalizes all skin types. Keep Cool. Avoid triggers such as spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, overheated rooms, hot beverages and stress. Wear layered clothing, and choose natural fabrics, such as cotton or wool. Stay Active: Exercise benefits the heart and bones, helps regulate weight and contributes to overall well-being. Weight-bearing exercises are especially important for increasing bone mass. Kegel exercises (tightening and relaxing of the pelvic muscles) can improve bladder control, and may enhance sexual pleasure. Try Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM): Alternative therapies— herbal remedies, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, naturopathic medicine and much more—can help you cope with the physical and emotional changes of menopause.
( Natural Progesterone Cream - For Woman of All ages ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 04, 2005 01:45 PM
Source Naturals® Eternal Woman™ Progesterone Cream is the first Progesterone Cream to utilize unique liposomal delivery of key ingredients. Liposomes are micro-penetrating lipid spheres made from lecithin, which pass through skin layers more easily than non-liposomal creams. Source Naturals Progesterone Cream features natural progesterone from healthful soy. Unlike creams which don’t divulge their progesterone content, Source Naturals Progesterone Cream is guaranteed to contain 500 mg of progesterone per ounce! This pure white cream softens and smoothes the skin. Along with natural progesterone, it features aloe vera, Mexican wild yam extract, natural vitamin E, lecithin phospholipid, jojoba oil, and extracts of sage, black cohosh root, ginseng, marigold and grapefruit seed. Rosemary oil is added as a fragrance. Source Naturals Progesterone Cream is available in 2 and 4 oz jars. It is part of the Eternal Woman line of products and is suitable for women of all ages. Source Naturals® Eternal Woman™ PHYTO-ESTROGEN CREAM offers some of the finest phytoestrogens in the botanical world, including 60 mg of soy isoflavones per ounce. For the first time ever, soy phytoestrogens are included in a liposomal delivery system. Liposome delivery is ideal for this product because the soy actually becomes part of the liposome membrane—for highest possible penetration of skin cells. Source Naturals PHYTO-ESTROGEN CREAM is an almond-colored cream which can be massaged into smooth skin areas to add oil-rich, moisture-binding protection. In addition to soy isoflavones, every ounce of Source Naturals PHYTO-ESTROGEN CREAM contains 150 mg of pomegranate seed juice (a natural source of estrone), 100 mg of red clover tops extract, 80 mg of black cohosh root extract, and 25 mg of dong quai root extract, along with aloe vera gel, natural vitamin E, grapefruit seed extract, rosemary oil and a natural cherry almond fragrance. Source Naturals PHYTO-ESTROGEN CREAM is available in 2 and 4 oz jars. It is part of the Eternal Woman line of products: for the Freedom to Change ™ naturally.
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